Posted by Hester-Norima at Feb 13, 2018 0:45:52 GMT 1
Horse buyer
Here you can post your horses or an old stable, if you want to sell it, but not to a member. Please remember, the Hester Norima Admin doesn't transfer massive sums, only a basic fund. We don't want you to only earn your money through this feature. That means, creating a horse, registering it and then selling it here is forbidden and against the rules.
To give away a horse to the buyer, the horse has to be registered. What is all this? Sometimes you need a little bit of money, but you don't want to sell a horse to another member. Here you have the opportunity that we buy your horse/stable. As soon as we buy the horse, it will be removed from all rankings, registers and other lists. We don't need any more information, the horse will be removed from the forum. Of course, we will keep track of the horses you sold, so they can't be sold multiple times.
For selling a horse with less than 100 Points you'll get: 3000€
For selling a horse with more than 100 Points you'll get: 5000€
For selling a stable with less than 50 points you'll get: 2000€
For selling a stable with more than 50 points you'll get: 4000€
Every member is allowed to sell one stable in 3 months. Every member is allowed to sell 2 horses in 3 months.
Sent this form to Hester-Norima.
Horsename: Registry number: The horse will be deleted and not able to get back, are you sure? []yes []no
Last edited: Jun 13, 2019 19:31:30 GMT 1 by Hester-Norima